Sharing faith
Sharing faith
We are waiting with baited breath for the big day.
What will the John Lewis advert be?
A man on the moon, a badger on a trampoline, a penguin? The hype is real.
How will the others compare? Is Kevin the carrot from Aldi really going to make it? Will M&S pull themselves back and bring the magic a…
It’s that time of year again when the seasonal aisle in the supermarket is filled with fake cobwebs and pumpkin buckets and Christian parents everywhere wonder whether buying the spooky gingerbread cat is allowed. Let me share three view altering experiences and one Bible verse that I hope wil…
Do you know how eagles teach their young to fly? It’s a complicated process because flying isn’t a straightforward pastime! Eagles first demonstrate how to fly by hovering above their nest. Next they push their young out of the nest to experience free fall, only to rescue them before dea…
For most parents, the daily grind of coping means that we rarely get the chance to step back from the mundane to think critically about our decisions, our routines and our habits. What fills my minimal ‘spare’ time? Did I make those decisions or did they get made for me? What shapes my d…
See this jar? It has 936 marbles in it. Each one is a week I have with my child from birth until they are 18. Each week is a wonderful opportunity to show them Jesus. Every marble matters! Don’t lose them; use them for Christ!
Let’s weave into the fabric of our homes and lives habits and…
Have you got it all planned out?
JK Rowling had her seven Harry Potter books plotted out, one for each year Harry spends at Hogwarts school, before the first one was published. She had a very precise plan for her fictional ‘son’. What about you? Do you have your child’s f…
Who is influencing your child?Nail it down. Name the four greatest influences on your child?What do you think?Friends?TV? Films? Books?Teachers?Peer group?Social media?All these things and people do have an influence.But still the biggest influence on your child’s life is YOU! Their parent. Yo…
First Aid
Apparently, most doctors aren’t trained to give First Aid. I was surprised. Don’t panic! It’s just that doctors are usually specialists. So dermatologists can help with all your skin-related problems, but they rarely need to give you mouth to mouth resuscitation. They&rsq…
Dad. Your Question. Why did God put Goliath in front of the Israelite army?
That’s a tough one. I gave some sort of an answer.
It was only as I walked to work afterwards that I started to know the answer. In the last half an hour, I had fought with my anger and I had sent my son out the house …
Last week I stood with my four year old son in front of his school class and said, “We believe that the Bible is absolutely true” before reading them a Bible story and teaching them the song “My God is so Big.” For the sake of my son, his classmates and his teachers, I’…