Old Testament
Old Testament
A series of Sunday School lessons based on Psalms.
In the Psalms, our children can hear every cry of their hearts echoed, raw and unvarnished. They can
hear their own emotions expressed. They can see their feelings of anxiety, loneliness, doubt or despair painted in full colour.
What is Church for? What is Church like? A series of 7 short talks explaining that the Church is for: listening to God and talking to Him, for encouraging one another, that it is a body, a bride, and branches of a vine, and that Church is forever.
This assembly aims to show that God made us to be like him – a creator, doing good, not an unkind destroyer.
11 toddler stories to teach that God made everything just by speaking and that Jesus also could make and heal just by speaking.
The titles in this series are:
God made… The world, fruit, the sun & moon, fish, animals, people
Jesus… Heals the lame, Heals the bli
13 toddler stories to teach that God cares and that Jesus cared in just the same way.
These stories were written to provide a term of weekly slots for a Mums and Toddler Outreach group for the Summer term. They can just as easily be used in a Dads and Toddler group or in a Sunday Church to
This assembly aims to teach that God used Samson to save his people just as he said he would. Samson is a lot like Jesus: God’s ultimate saviour who died to deliver the world from sin.
The Bible is the sword of the spirit that we need to fight against the problems we face in our lives. The series is based on the Foundation verse pack from fighterverses.com. Psalm 119:11 shows that we want to learn Bible verses, so they will be hidden inside our hearts for that moment we need th