New Testament

This assembly helps children work out who Jesus is through one of his miracles. It also explains that Jesus was kind to feed all those people, exactly the same way as God is kind to us. And that we should always thank people who give us food.

11 toddler stories to teach that God made everything just by speaking and that Jesus also could make and heal just by speaking.

The titles in this series are:
God made… The world, fruit, the sun & moon, fish, animals, people

Jesus… Heals the lame, Heals the bli

13 toddler stories to teach that God cares and that Jesus cared in just the same way.

These stories were written to provide a term of weekly slots for a Mums and Toddler Outreach group for the Summer term. They can just as easily be used in a Dads and Toddler group or in a Sunday Church to

This assembly looks at the story of the rich young ruler who chose not to be with Jesus in eternity because he wouldn’t give up his wealth. Sometimes it is difficult to make the right decisions, but following Jesus is the best choice because life with Him would be as good as it can be.

This assembly looks at the question: how good is good enough and who do you have to be kind to. Through the parable of the good samaritan we learn that we need to be kind to everyone, even the people we don’t like, even the people who don’t like us.

In this assembly we look at the ten lepers who got healed by Jesus, and see how only one of them realised that he had to thank Jesus for that. All good things come from Jesus and we must not forget to thank him for his kindness, just like we must not forget to thank others when they’re kind

This lesson is aimed at year 1 children and will teach them what Believers Baptism is and why it is important for Christians.