New Testament

This story paints a beautiful picture of Jesus for us. Here we see both his great power and his gentle care. The devil’s control of the demon-possessed men produces violence and fear. Everyone else keeps their distance, yet Jesus is not afraid. He is kind to these tormented men, setting the

Matthew is building a picture for us of Jesus – The king who rules and the saviour who cares. In just these few short verses we see Jesus the man (needing to sleep) and Jesus the commander of creation (calming the storm). I’m so glad we have a saviour who understands our fears, has experi

There are many times when we feel that we are not in control. In those moments we find out where our faith truly lies. Do we depend on our own ability to fix things, or are we trusting someone else to be in charge. The powerful centurion had great faith – not in his own ability to control thing

Jesus has just stepped down from teaching on the mountain (Matthew 5-7). But he is not a teacher out of touch with reality. A leper rushed up, knelt before him and made a desperate request: “if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

This man cannot help himself. He has an inc

What do I want to be known as? A great parent? A great friend? A home schooling legend? A great Christian? Or a great depender on Jesus? Do I know that I bring nothing to the table, relying totally on God? Or do I think that he should be delighted to have me on “his team”?


What is Church for? What is Church like? A series of 7 short talks explaining that the Church is for: listening to God and talking to Him, for encouraging one another, that it is a body, a bride, and branches of a vine, and that Church is forever.

This assembly is aimed to show that Jesus comes looking even for the worst of people and brings them into His family. No one is beyond hope.

A 5-day program looking at Mark’s account of Jesus’ life. Bill and Ted, two likeable characters, attend the Heroes Academy to become super heroes, but soon discover that Jesus is the ultimate super hero worth following – he is real and can save us. A frantic mix of Bible storie

During this lesson we aim to teach students that the New Testament contains stories about the life of Jesus and stories Jesus told, such as the Good Samaritan. We reflect on what the story teaches us: that we must love other people no matter who they are.

This assembly looks at the story of the rich young ruler who chose not to be with Jesus in eternity because he wouldn’t give up his wealth. Sometimes it is difficult to make the right decisions, but following Jesus is the best choice because life with Him would be as good as it can be.