Navigating life
Navigating life
Here’s my theory. There are three moments when holidays are perfect. The first is a month before a holiday starts, when the plans are forming, the reviews have been read and everyone is excited about what’s coming. The second is the moment during the holiday when the photo is taken of th…
It was kicking-out time on the ward. I had to leave. I was a little relieved. Our first child had been born at about dawn that day. She had slept all day. From birth until late evening, we had seen little evidence that she was not a toy dolly. It was now late, the midwives had told me that I had to …
Encouragement for children under pressure
If you didn’t know already, it’s SATs time. The SATs are a test for all children at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2 (7 and 11 year olds) in English state Primary Schools. Normally the 7 year olds are only just aware of their existence, while the 11…