
Mary, the forever dreaming teenage girl tells the audience about her unexpected visit by an angel and that through this she realised that nothing is impossible, with God!

Looking at the events of that very first Christmas from the point of view of a Shepherd. Using plenty of humour to chellenge and engage a teen or pre-teen audience.

This talk explains the origin of christingle as well as what each of its five parts represent. Download pack contains carol service talk, detailed carol service planner, risk assessment and activity briefing.

Based on the television talent show “X-Factor”, this assembly sees favourite Christmas characters compete to see who will be the X-mas Factor Christmas Superstar. Jesus puts the “X” into the Xmas Factor – he is the Son of God who makes us friends with God.

Gabriel, Joseph and a shepherd reveal 3 clues that explain why Jesus is the greatest present you’ll ever be offered.

This assembly looks at three surprising facts around the birth of Jesus:

  1. A King who was born in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere.
  2. A King who had a 700 year old message and a star to direct visitors to him.
  3. A baby who wise man worshipped.

In this assembly Professor Potion tries to figure out the ingredients for the perfect Christmas, and he discoveres that Jesus is the one ingredient that makes Christmas go with a bang!

After Jesus was born, Herod, the King of the Jews planned to kill the Christ, but the non-Jewish Magi were led by God to Jesus and they worshipped him The talk aims to surprise people by showing how the “outsider” is led to worship the Christmas Child. Will we worship?

Having waited his whole life, Simeon finally held Israel’s Saviour. Simeon knew Jesus to be the Saviour and the Revelation, for Jews and Gentiles alike. This all age service delights us that Christmas is the end of the waiting – our Saviour who reveals the truth to all, has finally ar

An angel told Joseph that his baby will save and be God with us. This talk aims to thrill that this baby Jesus is God’s present to us, that we need.