We are thanking God that through lockdown we have been able to support more parents, partner with more churches and engage more children. We won’t be stopping just because the sun has come out. Stick with us as we flick through the Bible following some big themes.
Throughout the summer, from Monday 13th July until Friday 28th August, we will be taking a Bible theme each week to lay it out before families, to let them learn together and enjoy it.
Each week will have the same pattern:
Monday: A family devotion with Ed on Facebook and Youtube. Join him for a 10 minute Bible time, finishing with questions for each age group. If you’ve walked with him through Mark’s Gospel during lockdown, then these will be very familiar.
Tuesday: A DIY Bible time with Amy on Facebook and Youtube. Join her for a 5 minute introduction to a Bible passage, that will leave your family ready to do it yourselves. She will even throw in some questions to help you along.
Wednesday: A Podcast with Jam and Ed, available in your favourite podcast App when you wake up. Join them for 15 minutes of fun facts, messy mayhem and your daily bite size chunk of Bible for all the family.
Thursday: A little of hunk of encouragement to make this week’s theme your own. You will find a suggestion for how to pray, play, sing, splash or craft this week’s theme on Facebook and Instagram.
Friday: Still with us? Then here is a short read for the beach on our blog. At under 5 minutes, it won’t take long to read but it will leave you thanking God. Each week’s theme will never be a burden but only a source of joy, lifting your heart.
Wherever this strange summer takes you, travel with us as we journey through some of the Bible’s greatest themes.