RE Lessons & Assemblies

In this assembly we learn that David beat Goliath because he trusted God, and God did everything to let David win. It teaches the children that God always wins. He did with David. He did with Jesus.

This assembly looks at the question: how good is good enough and who do you have to be kind to. Through the parable of the good samaritan we learn that we need to be kind to everyone, even the people we don’t like, even the people who don’t like us.

This assembly aims to teach that God used Samson to save his people just as he said he would. Samson is a lot like Jesus: God’s ultimate saviour who died to deliver the world from sin.

This assembly looks at the story of the rich young ruler who chose not to be with Jesus in eternity because he wouldn’t give up his wealth. Sometimes it is difficult to make the right decisions, but following Jesus is the best choice because life with Him would be as good as it can be.

This assembly aims to teach that God’s opinion of us is very different to our own opinion of us. We all need to say sorry to him.

This talk explains that followers of Jesus should always mean what they say. It encourages the children to be trustworthy. Simply let your “Yes” be “Yes” and your “No” be “No”.

In this assembly Gabriel, Joseph and a Shepherd explain that Jesus is the greatest gift of all. God gave us the baby, who would be the King forever, who is God with us, who came to be a rescuer. And we got the greatest present ever freely. We didn’t deserve for Jesus to come to be

This assembly encourages children to be friends with people because of who they are and not because of what they look like. God doesn’t judge us on our looks, but looks at our hearts.

In this assembly Professor Potion tries to figure out the ingredients for the perfect Christmas, and he discoveres that Jesus is the one ingredient that makes Christmas go with a bang!

This assembly looks at three surprising facts around the birth of Jesus:

  1. A King who was born in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere.
  2. A King who had a 700 year old message and a star to direct visitors to him.
  3. A baby who wise man worshipped.