RE Lessons & Assemblies

This assembly aims to show that God made us to be like him – a creator, doing good, not an unkind destroyer.

This assembly is designed to teach children that only God can grow our food; but at Harvest time we also remember those who work hard to provide our food.

During this lesson we aim to teach students that the New Testament contains stories about the life of Jesus and stories Jesus told, such as the Good Samaritan. We reflect on what the story teaches us: that we must love other people no matter who they are.

During this 45 minute lesson pupils should learn: The events and significance of Holy Week and be able to explain why Jesus died.

During this 40 minute lesson pupils should learn: The events and significance of Holy Week: 

Palm Sunday (Triumphal entry)

Opposition to Jesus

Last supper and betrayal

Good Friday (trials and crucifixion)

Easter Sunday (resurrection appearance)

During this 30 minute lesson pupils talk about signs of ‘new life’ in the world around them in spring, and talk about new beginnings. Children are told about Jesus’ death and resurrection, to emphasise the idea that he is special for Christians.

This 20 minute lesson aims to teach pupils that some stories are special to religious groups. It explains that at Easter Christians celebrate Jesus’ new life.

This talk explains that followers of Jesus should always mean what they say. It encourages the children to be trustworthy. Simply let your “Yes” be “Yes” and your “No” be “No”.

In this assembly Gabriel, Joseph and a Shepherd explain that Jesus is the greatest gift of all. God gave us the baby, who would be the King forever, who is God with us, who came to be a rescuer. And we got the greatest present ever freely. We didn’t deserve for Jesus to come to be

This assembly encourages children to be friends with people because of who they are and not because of what they look like. God doesn’t judge us on our looks, but looks at our hearts.