
‘God made me’ is a series for your midweek toddler group that helps young children and their carers see that God made them in an amazing and wonderful way (Psalm 119:14).

‘I can talk to God when I feel…’ is a series for your midweek toddler group that helps young children and their carers see that we can talk to God when we feel lots of different emotions.

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The Wonder of Easter: An outreach event will help you to hold a fun and engaging outreach event based on The Wonder of Easter Sunday School resource. Guests will explore key scenes from the Easter story through Bible passages, activities and crafts.

This all-age service – in the Wonder of Easter series – follows two disciples on the road to Emmaus, a walk which became the journey of a lifetime! They left Jerusalem with hearts like lead, because the one they’d placed their hope in was dead. As the