
In this Christmas script we meet Mary, who is longing for a big adventure. It turns out this servant of God is about to embark on the biggest adventure anyone can imagine: an angel visits to tell her that she is about to give birth to none other than the Son of God.

In this nativity a photographer is tasked to take a photo of all that makes a good Christmas. As the characters – father christmas, a christmas tree, a turkey, an inn-keeper, shepherds and angels – explain why they should be in the picture he finally decides that Christmas is about o

In this nativity a very annoyed innkeeper in Betlehem is woken several times at night by strange visitors coming to see his guests in the stable. His anger turns into delight as soon as he sets his eyes on the baby in the manger.

12 toddler stories to teach how God saved his people and that Jesus performed miracles to show that he cares and goes onto show that God sent Jesus to save us.

These stories were written to provide a term of weekly slots for a Mums and Toddler Outreach group for the autumn term, ending wit

Mary, the forever dreaming teenage girl tells the audience about her unexpected visit by an angel and that through this she realised that nothing is impossible, with God!

A nativity play that truthfully explains what really happened on that very first Christmas more than 2000 years ago.

A talk that explains that Easter eggs symbolize new life, and that Jesus came to give us new life. Use it in a toddler group or as part of an Easter family service.

11 toddler stories to teach that God made everything just by speaking and that Jesus also could make and heal just by speaking.

The titles in this series are:
God made… The world, fruit, the sun & moon, fish, animals, people

Jesus… Heals the lame, Heals the bli

This talk explains the origin of christingle as well as what each of its five parts represent. Download pack contains carol service talk, detailed carol service planner, risk assessment and activity briefing.

The candle that we can’t blow out reminds us that like it or not, Jesus simply won’t go away. For some that’s wonderful news, but others… ? What you will do with this King who simply won’t go away?