An angel told Joseph that his baby will save and be God with us. This talk aims to thrill that this baby Jesus is God’s present to us, that we need.
13 toddler stories to teach that God cares and that Jesus cared in just the same way.
These stories were written to provide a term of weekly slots for a Mums and Toddler Outreach group for the Summer term. They can just as easily be used in a Dads and Toddler group or in a Sunday Church to
After Jesus was born, Herod, the King of the Jews planned to kill the Christ, but the non-Jewish Magi were led by God to Jesus and they worshipped him The talk aims to surprise people by showing how the “outsider” is led to worship the Christmas Child. Will we worship?
This talk is split into 3 sections, to be delivered throughout the service explaining that Jesus is our forever King, our Saviour and what the angel told the shepherds about him was right. It encourages us that this Christmas, we should all make sure Jesus receives the worship he deserves as the
Gabriel, Joseph and a shepherd reveal 3 clues that explain why Jesus is the greatest present you’ll ever be offered.
Looking at the events of that very first Christmas from the point of view of a Shepherd. Using plenty of humour to chellenge and engage a teen or pre-teen audience.
12 toddler stories to teach how God saved his people and that Jesus performed miracles to show that he cares and goes onto show that God sent Jesus to save us.
These stories were written to provide a term of weekly slots for a Mums and Toddler Outreach group for the autumn term, ending wit
Mary, the forever dreaming teenage girl tells the audience about her unexpected visit by an angel and that through this she realised that nothing is impossible, with God!
The Bible is the sword of the spirit that we need to fight against the problems we face in our lives. The series is based on the Foundation verse pack from Psalm 119:11 shows that we want to learn Bible verses, so they will be hidden inside our hearts for that moment we need th