Download our planning guide and lesson plan template here.
We know that giving up a precious Saturday to come to Massive is a big deal.For many in your children’s ministry team, it might be too big an ask.Perhaps there are a few who might be persuaded to come if they understood more about what the day is and who it is for? We’ve made this video …
Apparently bears don’t hibernate. Bears go into “torpor”. Their heart rates go down, they rest, they stop hunting, they sleep but they remain ready. As they have cubs, they need to be ready to protect them. While toads really do hibernate. Some can hibernate for three years. They a…
Please use these in conjunction with the JJ intro document and video files. Termly plan themes: Animals, Colours, Emotions, Opposites, Transport, Weather, God made me, Jesus’ miracles, Thank you God. Here you will also find an Easter talk for your Jiver group as well as a 2 week Christmas p
Let me daydream with you. You need to hire a car. You walk into the office. The car you ask to hire is entirely up to you. What do you dream of driving? You walk onto the forecourt and are shown to your waiting car.
Now focus. Focus in on the moment you climb inside your newly hired ride; the seat s…