
There is a powerful song in the film The Greatest Showman called “This is me.” It is sung by the cast of Barnum’s Circus, each of whom is in some way a “freak”. Their lives have been defined by rejection because of what they look like, whether it be their extreme height (or lack of it), their impres…
Surveys consistently find that about three-quarters of UK Christians came to faith before they left secondary school. This is consistent with the Bible story (Proverbs 22:6, Psalm 78:1-6).  Parents matter  While faith transmission is a spiritual work done by the Lord, we would expect t…
Mark 2:1-5 tells us the story of a paralysed man whose four fabulous friends were completely convinced that he needed to meet Jesus.  But there were so many obstacles between their friend and Jesus that you might have thought they’d just give up. Not these guys!  Full of tenacity and deter…
Sticky fingers, wobbly stares from googly eyes, glitter clinging to everything, and so much to cut out! Crafts… why bother?   Well…God loves making things! From stars to starfish, from quantum mechanics to unquantifiable forgiveness, he made it all. And he’s created YOU, so YOU can do go…

This service is for everyone or all ages, including those who wouldn’t normally attend church. It uses the story of Mary, Joseph and the shepherds to show how the birth of Jesus offers

This hands-on experience allows families who wouldn’t come to a church service to engage with the characters of Mary, Joseph and the shepherds and explore how the birth of Jesus offers

My phone lit up on the drive home from our church weekend away with a message from one of the parents – ‘Our children loved the keepsake boxes from the weekend away. The boxes now stay beside their beds and the clues inside have been a great talking point and a reminder of what they learned. The clu…

“Who am I?”

Our confused culture is asking children to create their own answers to that question. This pressure to decide everything for themselves robs them of the secure identity that God has given them.

They’re left anxiously wondering…

  • “Am I good enoug

This series of 8 all age talks is based on the Beatitudes. Each 5 minute talk looks at one saying and teaches the whole church family about what life in the kingdom looks like. Be encouraged together to keep living the ‘Blessed’ life because it’s the best life!

Each talk is a full sc

‘That worked really well, Mum’ was the feedback from my daughter after I’d tried something different in Sunday School for the first time. This was not in line with her usual, occasionally indifferent, often critical, always brutally honest critique. I’m not sure how others measure what a good sess…