During this 40 minute lesson pupils should learn: The events and significance of Holy Week: 

Palm Sunday (Triumphal entry)

Opposition to Jesus

Last supper and betrayal

Good Friday (trials and crucifixion)

Easter Sunday (resurrection appearance)

During this 45 minute lesson pupils should learn: The events and significance of Holy Week and be able to explain why Jesus died.

During this lesson we aim to teach students that the New Testament contains stories about the life of Jesus and stories Jesus told, such as the Good Samaritan. We reflect on what the story teaches us: that we must love other people no matter who they are.

This 20 minute lesson aims to teach pupils that some stories are special to religious groups. It explains that at Easter Christians celebrate Jesus’ new life.

During this 30 minute lesson pupils talk about signs of ‘new life’ in the world around them in spring, and talk about new beginnings. Children are told about Jesus’ death and resurrection, to emphasise the idea that he is special for Christians.

Based on the television talent show “X-Factor”, this assembly sees favourite Christmas characters compete to see who will be the X-mas Factor Christmas Superstar. Jesus puts the “X” into the Xmas Factor – he is the Son of God who makes us friends with God.

This assembly attempts to show to the children that religion is good, and not dangerous through the life of Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th earl of Shaftesbury.

This assembly helps children work out who Jesus is through one of his miracles. It also explains that Jesus was kind to feed all those people, exactly the same way as God is kind to us. And that we should always thank people who give us food.

This assembly looks at three surprising facts around the birth of Jesus:

  1. A King who was born in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere.
  2. A King who had a 700 year old message and a star to direct visitors to him.
  3. A baby who wise man worshipped.

In this assembly Professor Potion tries to figure out the ingredients for the perfect Christmas, and he discoveres that Jesus is the one ingredient that makes Christmas go with a bang!