
Throughout my childhood, Dad kept cows. It wasn’t a farm. We just had cows. Only two at a time. One outcome of having a peculiar pet is that I know more than most about bovine medical ailments. So, when Mary phoned me towards the end of an eventful day at work and said that she had the same il…
See this jar? It has 936 marbles in it. Each one is a week I have with my child from birth until they are 18. Each week is a wonderful opportunity to show them Jesus. Every marble matters! Don’t lose them; use them for Christ! Let’s weave into the fabric of our homes and lives habits and…
I think every parent would benefit from reading this book. I have been careful in the words I used in that sentence. I despair of being told I ‘should’ read this or that book, only to discover that I really didn’t need to read it, particularly as such bold commendations make me sea…
  Have you got it all planned out? JK Rowling had her seven Harry Potter books plotted out, one for each year Harry spends at Hogwarts school, before the first one was published. She had a very precise plan for her fictional ‘son’. What about you? Do you have your child’s f…
We aspire to be a normal family. We have 4 adopted children very close together in age. About 3 ½ years from the oldest to the youngest. When the oldest was five, I scribbled down what the last 24 hours had looked like…. Ready?! It started last night. I was still awake gone midnight fi…
Awesome cutlery is not predominantly concerned with Stainless Steel, well balanced handles or lifetime guarantees. Awesome cutlery is two confused superheroes - Captain Awesomeness and Cutlery Boy - who take us on a musical adventure . Both have powers that are, at best, moderately helpful - I can&r…
Who is influencing your child?Nail it down. Name the four greatest influences on your child?What do you think?Friends?TV? Films? Books?Teachers?Peer group?Social media?All these things and people do have an influence.But still the biggest influence on your child’s life is YOU! Their parent. Yo…
It was an eventful night. Our children were seven, five and just under one year old, and we were at the beginning of a holiday in a motor home. We’re not sure why we thought this was a good idea.The four of us were clear that our littlest must not wake up in the night. The nightmare scenario w…
“I remember sitting on my bed in my dark bedroom late one night after having had a horrible conversation with my son where I had lost it and said all the things that I told myself I wouldn’t say. In the dark, I felt so defeated, so alone, and so overwhelmed. I remember mumbling to myself…
Here’s my theory. There are three moments when holidays are perfect. The first is a month before a holiday starts, when the plans are forming, the reviews have been read and everyone is excited about what’s coming. The second is the moment during the holiday when the photo is taken of th…