
We are in Switzerland. First impressions? We have a few. Cows are disappointingly not purple. In fact, if you were to give me a bovine identity parade I would struggle to pick out the Swiss ones from a home reared Hereford, though the neck bells really are a thing, so audibly they’re instantly…
What links ham that’s been kept hanging in a dank cellar for years, sawdust on pasta and Italy’s second oldest University? Parma. In Italy. I remember a day trip there. City breaks with children feel like juggling with grenades in a crowded space. At any moment there will be an explosion…
I didn’t see it coming. We were driving past cows. I told the children that, as a boy, my family kept two cows. I said that each year they had calves. Then the question came from the back seat, “Where did the calves come from?” Silence. I realised what I had done. Mary and I kept o…
Do you know how eagles teach their young to fly? It’s a complicated process because flying isn’t a straightforward pastime! Eagles first demonstrate how to fly by hovering above their nest. Next they push their young out of the nest to experience free fall, only to rescue them before dea…
Diary of a disciple: Luke’s Story has been a huge hit with families. It is a retelling of Luke’s Gospel even more from Luke’s perspective than his Gospel, if that makes sense. It follows the well worn format of Tom Gates and Diary of a Wimpy Kid with every page full of pictures, qu…
For most parents, the daily grind of coping means that we rarely get the chance to step back from the mundane to think critically about our decisions, our routines and our habits. What fills my minimal ‘spare’ time? Did I make those decisions or did they get made for me? What shapes my d…
Our first and second children were born “naturally” (if you can call it that, given all the gas, needles and hands involved). Our third was born by Caesarean section. Coming out “the other way” was more different than I expected. Although, as I saw so little of it, I’m …
The first I knew was when my seven year old daughter was shouting in my ear, “He’s been sick”. I leapt into action. But even with my lightning speed, I couldn’t catch a glimpse of my daughter. She was gone; running between bedrooms. One moment offering sympathy (in a patronis…
This too shall pass. This little phrase is often uttered between me and my friends and family. Whatever the current crisis of parenting is, it won’t last long; it will pass. I remember this during the tantrum, the nappy change, the disastrous melt down, the exhausting bedtime or the ridiculous…
This is Michael’s best album so far. He gets better and better! Michael has clearly worked hard to create an album packed full of meaningful lyrics, wonderful tunes, great production values and with a large chunk of humour thrown in. Check out ‘God’s Kingdom is here’ and &ls…