Kid’s Leader
Kid’s Leader
We know that giving up a precious Saturday to come to Massive is a big deal.For many in your children’s ministry team, it might be too big an ask.Perhaps there are a few who might be persuaded to come if they understood more about what the day is and who it is for? We’ve made this video …
Apparently bears don’t hibernate. Bears go into “torpor”. Their heart rates go down, they rest, they stop hunting, they sleep but they remain ready. As they have cubs, they need to be ready to protect them. While toads really do hibernate. Some can hibernate for three years. They a…
Let me daydream with you. You need to hire a car. You walk into the office. The car you ask to hire is entirely up to you. What do you dream of driving? You walk onto the forecourt and are shown to your waiting car.
Now focus. Focus in on the moment you climb inside your newly hired ride; the seat s…
Explaining the first Easter to children represents a particular challenge. Their heads are full of bunnies, daffodils and chocolate eggs. We are wondering how to tell them about the bloody death of a naked man on an indescribably brutal torture device. There is potential for disappointed expectation…
This talk points out that Jesus’ death appears unfair, however he is choosing to die to take God’s anger at our sin and open the way to the Father.
The aim of this talk is for the story of Christ’s trial, crucifixion and death to prompt a response of awe and thankfulness i
The legendary marital argument on Mothering Sunday
There is a Shropshire legend that a couple called Simon and Nelly wanted to make a cake to celebrate the coming of Easter with their children. As it was during Lent the cupboards were bare but they had some leftover Lenten dough and the final remain…
What is a small group?
You know the drill. A Sunday School session will have two or more leaders and a bundle of children. The bulk of the session is spent teaching the single main point, through games, through drama, through Bible time, through Bible story, through… any way you can! Then, th…
Those tricky 5 year olds!
I am told that the Reception class (5 year olds) is a very challenging age-group to teach. Yes … in some ways it is – teaching an idea simply and making spiritual things concrete so that the children can understand is hard. BUT they are not cynical. They will b…
In an All age Carol service, keep everything visual and keep changing the communication medium to engage visual learners with short concentration spans. Videos can help with this, to grab attention at the start, to make the Bible reading more engaging or to illustrate a point in the all age talk.
Let’s get planning for our children’s Christmas in church!
Did the arrival of the John Lewis Christmas advert make you “Bah-Humbug” or fill you with anticipation? Did the sight of a Christmas tree in mid-November make you sigh or cheer?
However you answered these questions, the time has certainly c…