Kid’s Leader
Kid’s Leader
This service is for everyone or all ages, including those who wouldn’t normally attend church. It uses the story of Mary, Joseph and the shepherds to show how the birth of Jesus offers
This hands-on experience allows families who wouldn’t come to a church service to engage with the characters of Mary, Joseph and the shepherds and explore how the birth of Jesus offers
This series of 8 all age talks is based on the Beatitudes. Each 5 minute talk looks at one saying and teaches the whole church family about what life in the kingdom looks like. Be encouraged together to keep living the ‘Blessed’ life because it’s the best life!
Each talk is a full sc
Do you want to know who Jesus really is? Join the Secret Agents Academy and find out the truth as you dig deep into Luke’s Gospel in this 5 day Holiday Club!
Everything you need for a week of fun, amazing Bible truths, catchy songs and Secret Agent challenges are just a click away.