Faith in Kids
Faith in Kids
I will always remember one moment as one of my children approached GCSEs. My child screamed through tears, “I am going to fail all of them.” This was not the first time. Previously, I had said things like, “You can only do your best.”, which hadn’t improved the situation. This time, I had a better, …
There is a powerful song in the film The Greatest Showman called “This is me.” It is sung by the cast of Barnum’s Circus, each of whom is in some way a “freak”. Their lives have been defined by rejection because of what they look like, whether it be their extreme height (or lack of it), their impres…
This blog is part of a series on helping our kids when they feel anxious. If you haven’t already read “Answering our children’s worries”
Even if our children haven’t noticed the train strike, postal strike or nurses’ strike, they will notice the teachers’ strikes. While some children love a day o…
It’s that time of year again …. the season for ghosts, ghouls and zombies arriving on your doorstep in search of chocolate! I’m not sure which is worse – the prospect of a ‘trick’ or the social awkwardness of trying to make polite conversation with a 6 year-old monster.
It doesn’t need…
There is a corporate mantra, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
It warns against trumpeting the five-year plan without changing the culture of the team. No amount of resolutions, colourful charts and snappy sentences will bring about change unless accompanied by shared convictions and habits.
“Who am I?”
Our confused culture is asking children to create their own answers to that question. This pressure to decide everything for themselves robs them of the secure identity that God has given them.
They’re left anxiously wondering…
- “Am I good enoug
This week, I tripped over a whole new corner of the Internet – Ambient Noise websites! Having friends with babies, I knew that you could find white noise online, but I had no idea just how vast and varied the selection of available background sounds now is. Pining for social interaction? Stick…
“Mummy loves you. Daddy loves you. God loves you most of all.” I can’t remember exactly when I stopped saying it, but for the first few years of our daughters‘ lives, those were the last words they heard each night as I kissed them and tucked them up in bed. (Or, at least, th…
5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, 'Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! Luke 24: 5-6
Easter: In the face of fear, anxiety and exhaustion, we have a certain hope because of Christ’s resurrec…
5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, 'Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! Luke 24: 5-6
Easter: In the face of fear, anxiety and exhaustion, we have a certain hope because of Christ’s resurrection.